Welcome to The ABundant Catholic

We help Catholic Men & Women unlock their God-given potential.

Here at The Abundant Catholic we strive to empower Catholics to let go and let God into the deepest struggles they face in their personal lives and vocations. We firmly believe God has given us all the gifts we need to counter the effects of sin through His mercy and love. We are here to help you reclaim what has been lost and restore what has been ours all along: freedom.

The Abundant Catholic was created as an invitation for the intentional Catholic to enter into the deep, journeying towards freedom through Christ alone. We are not just merely another online platform to offer services, but a means to bring the nourishing living hope of God to his hungry people. With various tools like blog posts, videos, coaching and inner healing sessions- we strive to foster a greater sense of self: as image-bearers of the divine Creator.

This ministry is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and seeks the intercession of Bl. Carlo Acutis and St. Therese of Lisieux, all under the umbrella of Our Lady, Mother of the Church.

Detailed close-up of hands in prayer holding a wooden rosary with a cross.

We are on a Mission to empower you

Reclaim what has been Lost.

God doesn’t just offer us half-healing, He offers us full healing. He cleanses fully; not partially. When He seperated the sea for those in Exodus to flee slavery, He didn’t make them swim- He literally opened the waters and made a path for them to walk on. He does the same for us! He makes a way for us through what seems to be so insurmountable that we alone cannot face it ourselves. We were never meant to either. Jesus is here to carry the burden for you and with you. As Catholic Christians we believe that He bears our burdens in his Flesh. When we consume the most Holy Eucharist, Jesus offers us full integration through Him.

“The more Eucharist we receive, the more we will become like Jesus, so that on earth we will have a foretaste of heaven.”


At The Abundant Catholic, we lead you to Jesus himself. He is the one who saves. We are here be your friend, your guide, your companion- offering resource for all things faith, marriage, and family. Our goal is to provide you with actionable tools and steps to take that will foster a healthier emotional & spiritual life. We believe that through the brokenness of sin, we have lost what was given to us through Christ’s life, death, and ressurection: Freedom. Let’s reclaim what has been all along ours, and let Jesus set us free.

“Your people shall rebuild the ancient ruins; the foundations from ages past you shall raise up; “Repairer of the breach,” they shall call you, “Restorer of ruined dwellings.” Isaiah 58:12

Reclaim (v.)

early 14c., reclaimen, “call back a hawk to the glove,” from Old French reclamer “to call upon, invoke; claim; seduce; to call back a hawk” (12c., Modern French réclamer) and directly from Latin reclamare “cry out against, contradict, protest, appeal,” from re- “opposite, against” (see re-) + clamare “cry out” (from PIE root *kele- (2) “to shout”).

Source: Etymoline.com

Joyful woman with arms raised in a sunflower field, embracing freedom and happiness.
Little girl enjoys picking flowers in a sunlit meadow, embodying pure joy and innocence.

Restore (v.)

c. 1300, restoren, “to give back,” also, “to build up again, repair; renew, re-establish; free from the effects of sin; bring back to a former and better state,” from Old French restorer, from Latin restaurare “repair, rebuild, renew.” This is from re- “back, again” (see re-) + -staurare, not attested by itself but also in instaurare “to set up, establish; renew, restore,” etc.,  from PIE root *sta- “to stand, make or be firm.”

From late 14c. as “to cure, heal, bring back to a vigorous state;” of objects, beliefs, etc., “bring back to an original state or condition,” 1670s. Related: Restoredrestoring.

Source: Etymoline.com

It’s time to take control of your story. Let’s thrive together, one step at a time.