looking to hire a vibrant catholic speaker, writer, or content creator?

You’re in the right place.

Melissa has a heart for zeal and truth. Not only does share in her own testimony of how Christ has transformed her life, she also shares in the power of leading a Spirit-led life and living in real relationship with God. If you’re looking for a Catholic Speaker for your event who is willing to enter into the deep without going under- then you’re in the right place!

Melissa is a wife of 10 years, mother of 5 children, passionate home-educator, Catholic writer, speaker, and artist. She is the former Co-Founder of the Catholic Homeschool Cooperative, Our Daily Bread. She is a current student at the Theology of the Body Institute working towards her certification. Her educational background is in Communications and Art.

When she isn’t at home raising a family for Christ, she is on mission for Christ in her local community and beyond. Melissa has spoken at various events within the Catholic Diocese of Grand Rapids, MI on Theology of the Body, Virtue, and Marriage while sharing personal testimony. She has also written and created content for TOB Parent School &TOB Monthly and other Catholic groups. She also has been featured giving testimony with her husband, Anthony, on You, Me, & NFP.

Her mission is to bring the heart of Christ to others by sharing in the personal life-changing experiences she has encountered in her own healing journey. She directs the audience towards the true, good, and beautiful by offering a dynamic approach to speaking- including various art mediums such as video, music, poetry, and picture– leaving listeners with a lasting impact and desire for more!

 “…the close alliance that has always existed between the Gospel and art means that you are invited to use your creative intuition to enter into the heart of the mystery of the Incarnate God and at the same time into the mystery of man.”

St. John Paul II, Letter to Artists

Speaking Engagements


Looking for a dynamic speaker to engage and empower your audience? Melissa offers insightful, relatable talks to various age groups and audiences. Whether it’s for diocesan retreats, women’s or youth conferences, Theology on Tap, vocation or parish events- Melissa has the ability to speak to crowds of a dozen individuals to 100 or more. Pulling from real-life experiences of encountering God in every-day living, she incorporates her love for Catholic Doctrine, the Sacraments, and the Word of God. Her specialty is in focusing on topics like Inner Healing, Identity, Vocations, and Raising Children in a Confused Culture. With a love for the Theology of the Body she is able to offer a fully integrated talk for teens, adults, couples, and parents! There is sure to be a lasting impact on the hearts of many as she incorporates visual and audible arts in the spirit of John Paul II’s love for Beauty. These talks are Holy-Spirit led, engaging, and inspirational as she brings the heart of Christ to share with others! Melissa is willing to travel out of state for speaking engagements. Please click below for inquiries.

Book Melissa now
Topics & Themes
  • Finding Freedom through Christ
  • Renewing Your Identity in God
  • The Real Feminist: Our Feminine Identity
  • The Vocation of Motherhood
  • Sexual and Emotional Integration & Healing
  • Finding the Beloved through Betrayal
  • Healing the Family with the Holy Family
  • Theology of the Body
  • Marriage: a Call to Holiness
  • The Spirit-Led Homeschooler
  • Discerning Vocations
  • Personal Testimony
  • Pre-cana / NFP
  • Inner Healing

Dynamic Writer

Personalized essays, content, and morE!

Looking for someone to write for you? Melissa offers sound, insightful and engaging essays for a wide range of audiences. Her focuses include identity struggles, marriage healing and addiction recovery, betrayal trauama, Natural Family Planning, breaking free from generational trauma/sin, true femininity, motherhood, home-education, liturgical living, leading a Holy-Spirit led life, raising children in a confused culture, Theology of the Body, the Sacraments, and more! She works to create customized content that fits your unique goals and vision, ensuring a lasting impression on readers! She boldly brings the heart of Christ and the nourishing Word of God into all of her work.

Contact Melissa
Flat lay showing an open Bible, coffee cup, notebook, and flowers on a wooden table in sunlight.
Freelance designer working from home using a laptop and digital tablet, surrounded by plants.

Creative Digital Content

fLEXIBLE. Concise. Unique

Looking for someone to hire who can offer digital content that is rooted in everything true, good, and beautiful? Melissa intersects her love for the Catholic faith and artistic abilities with digital platforms offering a powerful and unique product tailored to your exact needs! Whether your project is for personal every-day life, business needs, conferences or workshops, she offers a wide range of options. Her portfolio is a beautiful display of works for various groups such as TOB Parent School, TOB Monthly Magazine, Rising Embers Men’s Retreat, and more. Whether it’s a logo or a digial marketing piece- she works together with you to deliver a product that inspires beauty and leaves a lasting impact on your audience.

Connect with Melissa

Couples Marriage Testimony

In-person & online

Looking for a Marriage Healing Testimony? Melissa and Anthony offer their love for the transformative power of Christ by sharing in their individual and marital healing journey with others. From living under the strong-hold of addictions and hidden sin- after nearly divorcing 5 years into their marriage they hit rock bottom only to find Christ waiting for them there. They have a love for the Catholic faith, and living in a total, fruitful, faithful and free marriage. By God’s grace and abundant love, they share in a new-found freedom of the Spirit experiencing the full-family life they dreamed of, now raising 5 beautiful and crazy kiddos.

Anthony and Melissa are personal, refreshing, and intimate with individuals about their real-life experiences of hitting rock bottom and rising a-new.

Melissa shares in her love for spousalhood and the graces that come from the Sacraments. She focuses in on the Church’s teachings zooming in on the power of obedience and experiencing the fruits from it, touching on subjects like NFP, and growing in emotional and spiritual intimacy as a couple.

Anthony brings his love for the vocation of marriage and parenthood sharing in testimony while taking a deep dive into the freedom Christ offers us, ephasizing on identity and living free from disordered desires and addictions. After struggling for decades with his own interior battles, Anthony has found freedom in living porn-free and is in recovery for alcoholism. He tenderly touches the hearts of men by bringing to light areas in which we are wounded and how those wounds can become manifest causing overt disordered behaviors and patterns that can negatively effect the spousalbond and family foundation.

Together they have offered healing testimony online and in person, including for parish pre-cana programs. They have mentored individuals and couples sharing in the fruits from their healing journey as they strive to lead the abundant life God intends for each of us!

Contact Anthony & Melissa

What Others Say About Melissa & Anthony

“Raw and real is my experience
with this loving couple… [they]
share with openness and with the guidance of their deep and abiding faith, led by the Holy Spirit… always grounded in their love for our Lord Jesus Christ. By diving into their deepest places, they have found a pool of grace
beyond understanding and they are bursting at the seams to let you in on their secret. I aways appreciate testimony and theirs will not disappoint.”

Paula V.

“Melissa worked for me as a content contributor and graphic designer. Her knowledge of the faith and of the Theology of the Body shined through her writing and design work. Always willing to pour her heart into her work, it showed through her relatable and inspiring words and stories. I highly recommend Melissa as a writer or designer for your next project!”

Lindsay C

“coming soon

Coming soon

Want to hear our full testmimony?

From living stuck in shame and sin, to finding full freedom through Christ!
Click to read more!